Operational Management Benchmarking
What is Senergy?
Senergy (staff & energy) measures our most precious asset within a production system - TIME. This unique benchmarking programme creates awareness for management and staff of their direct and indirect actions within an operation.
Senergy is a benchmarking program designed to objectively measure the relationship of staff and energy within intensive animal operations over time. Senergy, is a benchmarking tool that focuses on various operational sections. These sections include Feedmill, Livestock and Maintenance.
Presently, the Australian feedlot and other intensive industries lacks an established internal or external benchmarking system. 'Benchmarking', within the context of 'Total Quality Management', is the process of well defined objective measurement and review. All benchmarking systems share a commonality through initiation of practices based on an 'improved understanding of internal systems and practices'. This is followed by the 'establishment of key success factors and true measures of productivity'. Operation owners must first understand their own system prior comparing with other operations. It would be of little benefit to accept something that may be in error.
The Senergy Service
Data is collected on a monthly basis from controlled and uncontrolled processes. This information is entered into the Senergy database and analysed for quarterly reporting. Information in reports summarises key performance indicators.
Reports provided to management are designed, firstly, to monitor production based on the analysis of controlled processes and, secondly, to identify potential areas where production efficiencies and/or deficiencies can be enhanced.
Clients serviced by lAP within Australia are entitled to participate in Senergy analysis. There are several options for clients to indicate how their confidential information may be managed.
An operation may use Senergy to define its' production benchmark to address factors that may potentially minimise time and/or energy expenditure. For example, an operation may establish goals and implement different management strategies to create desired change.
Data collected for a similar group of operations may be analysed and compared, observing key performance indicators. The results may be shared by participants of a group, operations may be anonymously represented. In this situation benchmarked factors will be a group mean of similar operations. Group participants may set goals to accomplish as a group or as an individual operation.
All clients serviced by IAP within Australia are invited to participate in the collation of a country-wide summary. Each operation remains anonymous. Participating feedlots involved in the programme are provided access to summary information through a our secure web site.
IAP recognises that every operation is managed differently and goals and targets vary. Thus, every client may be provided with services for their specific operational requirements.
Focusing on:
Staff & energy