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Feedlot staff benchmarking & training


Livestock - Staff Benchmarking

The benchmarking of livestock staff activities allows a feedlot to identify the relative influence of staff and time requirements against cattle performance.


The primary focus of the feedlot's livestock section include:

  • Optimising cattle performance, that is, maintaining the integrity of a group of cattle ('lot') to obtain a high-feed/energy intake to satisfy carcase requirements

  • Objectively monitoring cattle management through the implementation of a rational and practical program (versus a reactionary response)

  • Minimising cattle stress throughout the feeding program. Senergy's Livestock section encompasses the activities of livestock staff, which include the points below. 

1. Number of livestock staff 

The number of livestock staff is dependent upon the general activities of a feedlot. A stockperson is defined as a staff member involved in daily cattle management activities. The number of livestock staff and total pay hours are required to be input into Senergy. When contractors are used for an activity, the total time in hours and number of persons are recorded on a separate basis. 

2. Cattle processing 

Cattle processing (for example, identification, vaccination, +/- HGP, pregnancy palpation and data recording) has a time requirement for livestock staff. Cattle processed are expressed on a per number of total livestock staff, and per hour basis. Where contractors are used for processing, number of individuals and time in hours are recorded. 

3. Pulls (health or cull) 

The primary activity of pen riding is assessment of cattle health. Removing cattle for any purpose requires time. Pulls are referred to as the removal of cattle from the home pen. Culls are cattle that are removed from the feedlot due to non-performance (health/non-doer) and either sold for salvage, or put onto pasture for later salvage.

Focusing on:

Cattle performance

Cattle management

Cattle stress

Cattle processing

Cattle health assessment

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